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Scholarly Book Chapters
  • Forthcoming
    Sindelar, K. 2024. Visualizing the Future of AR Environmental Communication. In D. Moscato and P. Duncand (Eds.) The Wild: Image, Industry, and Technology. (pp. TBD). Lexington Books.

  • Sindelar, K., 2022. Designing with care ethics in nature-based VR. In J. Frith and M. Saker (Eds) The changing face of VR: Pushing the boundaries of experience across multiple industries (pp.97-110). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press. 


Scholarly Digital Projects
  • Sindelar, K. 2024. Wetland Walk VR: Field Ecology in Northeast Florida (2023). UNF Faculty Research and Scholarship. 3394.

  • Sindelar, K. 2024. WildAR Northeast Florida (2024). UNF Faculty Research and Scholarship. 3395.


Scholarly Journal Articles
  • Forthcoming
    Sindelar, K. 2024. Where Did You Want that Alligator?: A Heuristic for Choosing Augmented or Virtual Reality for Environmental Communication. 2024 SIGDOC Conference Proceedings. [TBD]

  • Browning, M.H., Shin, S., Drong, G., McAnirlin, O., Gagnon, R.J., Ranganathan, S., Sindelar, K., Hoptman, D., Bratman, G.N., Yuan, S. and Prabhu, V.G., 2023. Daily exposure to virtual nature reduces symptoms of anxiety in college students. Scientific reports, 13(1), p.1239.

  • Yuan, S., Browning, M.H., McAnirlin, O., Sindelar, K., Shin, S., Drong, G., Hoptman, D. and Heller, W., 2023. A virtual reality investigation of factors influencing landscape preferences: Natural elements, emotions, and media creation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 230, p.104616.

  • Hartshorn, G., Browning, M., Madathil, K.C., Mau, F., Ranganathan, S., Todd, A., Bertrand, J., Maynard, A., McAnirlin, O., Sindelar, K. and Hernandez, R., 2022. Efficacy of virtual reality assisted guided imagery (VRAGI) in a home setting for pain management in patients with advanced cancer: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 12(12), p.e064363.

  • Sindelar, K., 2021. From petishism to rewilding: Representations of wildlife in interactive media. Journal of Environmental Media, 2(2), pp.247-266.

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