Scholarly Book Chapters
Sindelar, K. 2024. Visualizing the Future of AR Environmental Communication. In D. Moscato and P. Duncand (Eds.) The Wild: Image, Industry, and Technology. (pp. TBD). Lexington Books. -
Sindelar, K., 2022. Designing with care ethics in nature-based VR. In J. Frith and M. Saker (Eds) The changing face of VR: Pushing the boundaries of experience across multiple industries (pp.97-110). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
Scholarly Digital Projects
Sindelar, K. 2024. Wetland Walk VR: Field Ecology in Northeast Florida (2023). UNF Faculty Research and Scholarship. 3394. -
Sindelar, K. 2024. WildAR Northeast Florida (2024). UNF Faculty Research and Scholarship. 3395.
Scholarly Journal Articles
Sindelar, K. 2024. Where Did You Want that Alligator?: A Heuristic for Choosing Augmented or Virtual Reality for Environmental Communication. 2024 SIGDOC Conference Proceedings. [TBD] -
Browning, M.H., Shin, S., Drong, G., McAnirlin, O., Gagnon, R.J., Ranganathan, S., Sindelar, K., Hoptman, D., Bratman, G.N., Yuan, S. and Prabhu, V.G., 2023. Daily exposure to virtual nature reduces symptoms of anxiety in college students. Scientific reports, 13(1), p.1239.
Yuan, S., Browning, M.H., McAnirlin, O., Sindelar, K., Shin, S., Drong, G., Hoptman, D. and Heller, W., 2023. A virtual reality investigation of factors influencing landscape preferences: Natural elements, emotions, and media creation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 230, p.104616.
Hartshorn, G., Browning, M., Madathil, K.C., Mau, F., Ranganathan, S., Todd, A., Bertrand, J., Maynard, A., McAnirlin, O., Sindelar, K. and Hernandez, R., 2022. Efficacy of virtual reality assisted guided imagery (VRAGI) in a home setting for pain management in patients with advanced cancer: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 12(12), p.e064363.
Sindelar, K., 2021. From petishism to rewilding: Representations of wildlife in interactive media. Journal of Environmental Media, 2(2), pp.247-266.